Facts and Questions

Common Questions

Have a question? Please check to see if it is one of the following. Don't see it? Contact us.
What are the museum's hours?
What is the admission price?

General admission to Elysian Tree is sponsored by the Government. There is no cost to view the permanent collection galleries. There may occassionally be an admission fee to view special, temporary exhibitions.

Are reservations required for a group tour?

Groups of 10 or more desiring a guided tour should make a reservation at least two weeks prior to the date of the group's visit. Contact us for more information.

What programming is available for school groups?

The Milkuri School Visit Program includes a guided tour, pre- and post-visit materials to use in the classroom, a 30-minute lunch provided by the museum resteraunt, and souveneir gift bags for each of the students. There are several themed tours to choose from.

Is there a museum store?

Yes. The Museum Store, designed by architect Brady Dixie, offers educational and art-centric toys, books, gifts, and jewlery inspired by art found at Elysian Tree. Original works by some of the finest artists and artisans in the region also are available for purchase.

Can I rent facilities at the museum for a special event?

Several of the museum's facilities, including beautiful dining halls, meeting rooms, outdoor grounds, and more are available for rental.